The Top Cosmetic Surgeon in Lakewood Ranch, FL for Ear, Eye, and Nose Enhancement Surgeries

Board-Certifed Plastic Surgeon, American Board Of Physicians Specialties

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Reshaping Your Nose

When you're looking for a dependable cosmetic surgeon in Lakewood Ranch, FL or surrounding areas, trust your features with Dr. Royce, D.O. Are you unhappy with the shape or prominence of your nose? Schedule a consultation today for rhinoplasty, also known as a "nose job," with Board-Certified Dr. Jacqueline Royce DO of Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA. Nose jobs are performed on an outpatient basis and these procedures often reshape the cartilage and bone within your nose to make it more:

  • Aesthetic
  • Symmetrical
  • Functional

 Call us today for a free consultation.

Call us today at  (941) 358-3223 to schedule a free consultation!

How Complex Is a Nose Job?

Nose jobs require a highly skilled plastic surgeon due to the 3D structure and location of your nose. There is little room for error, so small alterations could have a large impact on the appearance of your nose.

Recovery Times After a Nose Job

For about 5-7 days, you will have an external nasal splint. Most times, there are no stitches to remove, so bruising should subside in about a week.

Most patients take about a week off from work or school. Normal activities may be resumed after seven days, and routine exercise within a month. Protect your nose from any direct trauma for up to six months after surgery. Also, try to refrain from wearing glasses of any type for four weeks after the procedure.

Eyelid Lift Surgeries

When getting an eyelid lift surgery, the goal is to remove excess skin and tissue around the eyelids to give you a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Most men and women opt for an eyelid surgery to help remove under-eye bags and puffy eyes and raise eyelids to a better position. Reach out to us today if you need this surgery from a cosmetic surgeon in Lakewood Ranch, FL or surrounding areas.

Am I a Candidate?

You are a candidate for eyelid lifts if you have the following:

  • Puffy and fatty deposits on your upper eyelids
  • Excess tissue or under-eye bags
  • Skin sagging around the eyes
  • Good physical and emotional health
  • Is prepared for the surgical procedure

There are also two options to choose from:

  • Upper lid blepharoplasty
  • Lower lid blepharoplasty


Call to Schedule a Free Brow Lift Consultation

We Accept Emergency Appointments

(941) 358-3223

(941) 358-3223

Brow Lift Surgeries

Brow lifts help to address drooping foreheads and heavy and hooded eyes that are caused by age-related laxity in the skin and muscles.

When deciding on a brow lift from a cosmetic surgeon in Lakewood Ranch, FL or surrounding areas, you have the option of an endoscopic procedure that offers many benefits:

  • Small incisions
  • Minimize surgery time
  • Minimize recovery time

These procedures are fully customized to your unique features. We will try to make any scarring as discreet as possible.

Recover Times After a Brow Lift

It is normal for most patients to return to normal activities within 3-4 days. However, exercise is restricted for about seven days prior to surgery. Swelling is common and should subside within 1-3 weeks afterward.

Otoplasty Surgeries

Otoplasty is also known as cosmetic ear surgery. This procedure, usually performed on both ears, helps change the following to optimize symmetry:

  • Shape
  • Position
  • Size

Good candidates for this surgery usually have protuberant, deformities, or defects of the external ear structure. Most patients who opt for surgery like this experience discomfort and negative self-esteem in their ears. This surgery can be performed at any age after they have reached their full size (this usually happens at about five years of age). 

Recovery Times for Otoplasty Surgeries

It is normal to experience discomfort, but it should subside within 1-2 weeks. Bandages will be removed after a couple of days. Expect swollen and red ears, as well as dull throbbing along the incisions. It is important that you do not put any pressure on your incisions.

A headband will be required for the first couple of weeks to prevent any infections from the surgery and to promote molding to the head. You can resume any activities within the first week that do not impact the ears. Refrain from anything that can bend the ears for about four weeks. 

Learn More About Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA

Located at 357 6th Ave W Bradenton, FL 34205. Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA specializes in breast augmentation and tummy tucks. Board-certified plastic surgeon. Emergency appointments. Free consultations. Call us today.

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