The Surgeon That You Can Trust

Liposuction Bradenton, FL

Fat Removal Procedure In Bradenton, FL

Board-Certifed Plastic Surgeon, American Board Of Physicians Specialties

Emergency Appointments

Free Consultations


Liposuction in Bradenton, FL

Liposuction can be an effective tool to enhance your body contours when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. By understanding the liposuction process and potential complications, you are better equipped to make informed decisions about your treatment. Always consult with a board-certified surgeon who can assess your individual circumstances and guide you through the entire process, prioritizing your safety and desired outcomes.

Board-certified Dr. Jacqueline Royce DO of Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA offers extensive experience in fat removal procedures and liposuction in Bradenton, FL.  Her skills and professional care has helped countless men and women shrink their stubborn and troublesome fat deposits while focusing on the most natural looking outcome.

Call us today for a free consultation to determine if Liposuction is right for you.

Call us today at  (941) 358-3223 to schedule a free consultation!

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

As a board-certified surgeon, our priority is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the liposuction process, its benefits, and the potential risks involved. By providing this information, we aim to empower you to make informed decisions about your cosmetic goals and prioritize your safety throughout the entire journey.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty or body contouring, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. It is not a weight loss method but rather a tool to sculpt and refine your body's contours. Common areas targeted for liposuction include the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, buttocks, and neck.

The Liposuction Process:

a) Consultation: Before undergoing liposuction, you will have an initial consultation with your surgeon. This is a crucial step where you can discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations. Dr. Royce will evaluate your candidacy for the procedure and help you understand the potential outcomes.

b) Pre-operative preparation: Once you decide to proceed with liposuction, Dr. Royce will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. This may include adjusting medications, quitting smoking, and avoiding certain substances that can increase the risk of complications.

c) Anesthesia: During the procedure, you will be given anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The type of anesthesia (local, regional, or general) will be determined by your surgeon based on the extent of the liposuction and your overall health.

d) Liposuction technique: There are various techniques available for liposuction, including tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), and laser-assisted liposuction (LAL). Your surgeon will choose the most appropriate technique for your specific needs.

e) Incisions and fat removal: Small incisions will be made near the targeted areas. Through these incisions, a cannula (a thin tube) will be inserted to suction out excess fat cells.

f) Post-operative care: Following the procedure, you will be given specific instructions regarding dressings, compression garments, pain management, and physical activities during the recovery period.


Call to Schedule a Consultation For Liposuction

We Accept Emergency Appointments

(941) 358-3223

(941) 358-3223

Learn More About Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA

Located at 357 6th Ave W Bradenton, FL 34205. Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA specializes in breast augmentation and tummy tucks. Board-certified plastic surgeon. Emergency appointments. Free consultations. Call us today.

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