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4 Benefits of Setting up a Consultation for a Liposuction Tummy Tuck

Feb 13, 2024

Now that the new year has arrived, are you considering various types of cosmetic surgery to improve your look and quality of life? You may be among the many Americans considering liposuction. According to PR Newswire, 2021 saw almost 2 million procedures for liposuction, which made it the most popular cosmetic procedure in the country. If you want to use a liposuction tummy tuck to reduce your waistline, here are the benefits of getting a consultation.

1. Meet the Doctor

Getting a tummy tuck is an invasive procedure, so you want to ensure that you're very comfortable with your potential surgeon. During the consultation, you'll meet with the surgeon who will be performing it. It'll give you a chance to get a feel for the doctor and see how comfortable you are with them handling the surgery.

2. Learn the Pros and Cons of the Procedure

When you meet the doctor, you can learn all about the pros and cons of having a liposuction tummy tuck. If you have any underlying health issues, a tummy tuck may be a bit of a risk for you. However, if your doctor gives you the approval, a successful procedure can result in improved posture, better physical health, reduced back pain, more abdominal tone, and, according to the Mayo Clinic, reduced urinary incontinence.

3. See Before and After Photos

Your consultation for any cosmetic procedure provides the opportunity to see before and after photos in the potential surgeon's office. After all, all cosmetic surgeons don't have the same results. However, if you see they performed several successful surgeries, it can give you more confidence that the surgery may work for you.

4. Understand How to Prepare

When you're dealing with a reputable surgeon, don't expect to get a
liposuction tummy tuck the next day. There will usually be several steps you must take to ensure you're ready for the surgery. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons guide, the average patient should start preparing at least six months in advance.

A liposuction tummy tuck is major surgery, so go for whatever consultations you need to get a feel for the surgeon and ensure the procedure is right for you. You can do a consultation with us about several procedures, including a tummy tuck or breast augmentation as well. Contact us at Royce Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery PA for a consultation anytime.

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